A Huge Thank You From Starship

A Huge Thank You From Starship

30th Apr 2015

The team at Waterworks Wholesale are pleased to announce that as a result of support from our loyal customers over the months of March and April 2015 we are donating $2160.00 to the Starship Foundation in support of giving New Zealand children quality health care in times of need.

“Starship, as our national children’s hospital strives to provide the best possible outcomes for children and young people across the country, and it is only through the support of great people like the Waterworks team and their loyal customers, that Starship Foundation can continue to fund priority child health projects. On behalf of Starship patients and their families from all over New Zealand, and the hard-working hospital staff, my sincere thank-you for your successful fundraising efforts - you are all Stars for Starship!”

Brad Clark, Chief Executive the Starship Foundation